Tag: workflow

Rounding Out a Mobile Workflow

A few days ago I made mention of how my writing has migrated towards a mobile-first workflow. Three things have made this possible: the Ulysses app, a foldable keyboard, and a wireless flash drive. (PS—I’m not listing the iPad, because everything listed here also works on a iPhone.) SanDisk Connect Wireless Stick I have the 32GB version. This might seem odd to be listed first, but it’s one of those things that makes it possible to connect a wireless-by-nature device like an iPad to a wired world.

New Tool: Workflow for iOS

  I’ve started to do a significant amount of work on a new iPad, and Workflow is the best $2 I think I’ve spent so far. It has the potential to build an almost unlimited number of workflows which are scripts that can do most anything. I think its most important feature is to act as a lubricant to ease over the rough spots inherent in iOS. I’d best describe it as a Swiss Army knife that you build for yourself.

Screenshot Workflow Using Hazel and Lightroom

Previously I wrote about using Hazel to manage my screenshots. I’ve updated that somewhat and now I’ve brought Lightroom into the mix. By doing this I’ve cut down on some of the automation but increased my output options have have better looking screenshots to post. But why worry so much about screen shots? Well, they’re an important way to show what’s happening on a computer screen. Making sure they’re legible makes for more informative articles here.