Tag: podcasting

Podcasting File Sizes and Data Transfer Costs

In researching the how-tos of podcasting one of the more interesting things is the amount of data used in downloading files.1 I also noticed that audio is seen as the poor cousin to video. Video files are much larger, but very few people pay for their own video hosting. I doubt YouTube would be as popular if it required a monthly fee to keep your videos online. The usual recommendations for podcast files seem to say to encode the episode file (MP3) at 128kbps.

New Project: Planning a Podcast

Podcasting has always interested me. Over the last ten years or so I’ve had the thought of starting one cross my mind. But two things have held me back: choosing a topic and the “usual podcast format/formula” has always struck me as a bit boring. While stories told on public radio held my attention, podcasts seem to leave the tedious parts in. That’s one reason for the relative silence on this blog lately (the other being health related).