Tag: podcast

New Project: Planning a Podcast

Podcasting has always interested me. Over the last ten years or so I’ve had the thought of starting one cross my mind. But two things have held me back: choosing a topic and the “usual podcast format/formula” has always struck me as a bit boring. While stories told on public radio held my attention, podcasts seem to leave the tedious parts in. That’s one reason for the relative silence on this blog lately (the other being health related).

The Sounds Of Desert Rain

For your enjoyment, the sounds of rain falling in the desert. We really weren’t expecting much out this storm. They tend to be more sound than fury when passing through the Phoenix area. [audio https://jennifermackdotnet.files.wordpress.com/2015/11/phx_rain.mp3] Tech note: I recorded this with an Olympus WS-823 voice recorder on my front porch. I converted the 44.1k/16bit .wav file to .mp3 with GarageBand.