Tag: drawing
Fake Art School: 002 Elements, Values
Fake Art School is my attempt at learning from the old masters using primary sources freely available on the internet. Download the book from the link below and join in! Discuss and share your work on Twitter. Textbook: Elements of pen-and-ink rendering Assignment: §1 pp. 2-6, Values (PDF pp. 20-24) Chapter Overview Value was touched on in the introduction. This chapter give more detail and some exercises to do. We start with two simple drawings that show values being used in different ways.
Fake Art School: 001 Elements, Introduction
Fake Art School is my attempt at learning from the old masters using primary sources freely available on the internet. Download the book from the link below and join in! Discuss and share your work on Twitter. Textbook: Elements of pen-and-ink rendering Assignment: §1 pp. 1-2, Introduction (PDF pp. 19-20) Chapter Overview The introduction to this section is short and to the point. But it also provides definitions of the major concepts discussed.
Fake Art School: 000 The Beginning
This is an experiment, something I’m calling Fake Art School. The name is to poke a little fun at how art education has gone from an apprenticeship to a pay-your-money-get-your-degree system. It’s also a way to organize a series of upcoming articles about going back to basics using old instruction books. Use the Fake Art School page to quickly find all these articles. Digging around in the Internet Archive, I ran across several books on pen and ink drawing:
80 in 80: Week Six Drawings
As promised, here’s the results of the sixth week of my 80 Drawings in 80 Days challenge. This covers pages 36-42, drawn Sep 14-20. Here’s the drawings from this past week. (I’m a couple days late on this one, sorry.) Monday: [instagram url=https://instagram.com/p/7o_vdABZ4D/] Tuesday: [instagram url=https://instagram.com/p/7rg24tBZ7w/] Wednesday: [instagram url=https://instagram.com/p/7uKKKWBZ3B/] Thursday: [instagram url=https://instagram.com/p/7yZ2ephZ7r/] Friday: [instagram url=https://instagram.com/p/7yZ2ephZ7r/] Saturday: [instagram url=https://instagram.com/p/71i_a8hZ5s/] Sunday: [instagram url=https://instagram.com/p/74tjr3BZwt/]
80 in 80: Week Five Drawings
As promised, here’s the results of the fifth week of my 80 Drawings in 80 Days challenge. This covers pages 29-35, drawn Sep 7-13. Here’s the drawings from this past week. (I’m back-dating this post because I totally forgot to keep the weekly posts updated!) Monday: [instagram url=https://instagram.com/p/7W-8ZtBZ_0/] Tuesday: [instagram url=https://instagram.com/p/7ZxX6nBZzt/] Wednesday: [instagram url=https://instagram.com/p/7cHOD_BZ9N/] Thursday: [instagram url=https://instagram.com/p/7er4zvhZ6M/] Friday: [instagram url=https://instagram.com/p/7hIq0ThZx0/] Saturday: [instagram url=https://instagram.com/p/7jpuqhBZzo/] Sunday: [instagram url=https://instagram.com/p/7mXr2mhZ7q/]
80 in 80: What I’ve Learned In 30 Days of Making Art Every Day
So I’ve been doing a daily drawing for thirty days now. I posted the 30th last night. [instagram url=https://instagram.com/p/7ZxX6nBZzt/] That’s thirty down and fifty(!) to go for those keeping track. I’ve posted each one to Instagram, and I’ve managed to not miss a day. There’s been a few days when I really didn’t want to open up the pens. But I did anyway. The drawing might have been simpler than I would’ve liked, but I got it done.
80 in 80: Week Four Drawings
As promised, here’s the results of the fourth week of my 80 Drawings in 80 Days challenge. This covers pages 22-28, drawn Aug 31-Sep 6. Almost half done! This week I experimented with a Rotring ArtPen. It’s a quill pen styled fountain pen that handles well. But I found it’s line is a bit thick. For an extra fine tip, the line is the same as my #1 (0.5mm) Rapidograph, and using the back of the nib is still thicker than the #0 (0.
80 in 80: Week Three Drawings
As promised, here’s the results of the third week of my 80 Drawings in 80 Days challenge. This covers pages 15-21, drawn Aug 24-30. Monday: [instagram url=https://instagram.com/p/6y-1KBhZ80/] Tuesday: [instagram url=https://instagram.com/p/61gUf4BZ0m/] Wednesday: [instagram url=https://instagram.com/p/64DkYmBZ0q/] Thursday: [instagram url=https://instagram.com/p/661KUIhZ5t/] Friday: [instagram url=https://instagram.com/p/69StOxBZxG/] Saturday: [instagram url=https://instagram.com/p/6__AmjhZ1W/] Sunday: [instagram url=https://instagram.com/p/7CR9p-BZ8D/]
80 in 80: Week Two Drawings
As promised, here’s the results of the second week of my 80 Drawings in 80 Days challenge. This covers pages 8-14, drawn Aug 17-23. Monday: [instagram url= https://instagram.com/p/6g5z_BhZ9P/] Tuesday: [instagram url=https://instagram.com/p/6ja_IMBZwi/] Wednesday: [instagram url=https://instagram.com/p/6l2zUxBZ3j/] Thursday: [instagram url=https://instagram.com/p/6ocdWjBZyI/] Friday: [instagram url=https://instagram.com/p/6q8iKEBZ58/] Saturday: [instagram url=https://instagram.com/p/6t0MCYBZxM/] Sunday [instagram url=https://instagram.com/p/6wOgYfhZ0p/]
80 in 80: Week One Drawings
As promised, here’s the results of the first week of my 80 Drawings in 80 Days challenge. This covers pages 1-7, drawn Aug 10-16. Monday: [instagram url=https://instagram.com/p/6OeTG4hZ3t/] Tuesday: [instagram url=https://instagram.com/p/6QuvteBZ51/] Wednesday: [instagram url=https://instagram.com/p/6Tco6MBZyh/] Thursday: [instagram url=https://instagram.com/p/6WVxIXhZ26/] Friday: [instagram url=https://instagram.com/p/6Y4-KvBZ0G/] Saturday: [instagram url=https://instagram.com/p/6bGHEqhZ6n/] Sunday [instagram url=https://instagram.com/p/6eR8FeBZ0i/]