Tag: business

New Payment Service: Cash.me

Getting paid online is a delicate balance of convenience vs. cost. Some of the services are used simply because they’ve been around the longest. Like PayPal. But new ones seem to pop up every other day. For the most part, they’re worth signing up for to see how things work. The newest is Cash.me from Square. They have a nice link-shortening gimmick called “cashtags.” The idea is to create a username starting with a dollar sign ($) which then becomes your unique URL.

Unexpected Uses for the Apple Watch

Just to the shoot the elephant in the room: Yes, there is gadget lust involved here. Ever since the original announcement I’ve wondered exactly how I could justify the purchase of something so unnecessary. The features are well documented by Apple and others. I don’t see a need to rehash what a cottage industry of speculation has already hashed. So to my possible financial detriment, I went and looked at Apple’s Watch pages.

2015 NFL Compensatory Draft Picks

This is something I had never heard of before. Apparently the League tries to even out a team’s loss of quality players by awarding extra draft picks. The number of picks a team receives equals the net loss of compensatory free agents up to a maximum of four. The 32 compensatory choices announced today will supplement the 224 choices in the seven rounds of the 2015 NFL Draft held on April 30-May 2 in Chicago.