Site Refresh

I’ve been mulling over making a few changes to the blog since Christmas. In the last few days I’ve got around to it. The biggest and most visible change is the new theme. I previewed the Twenty Sixteen theme a few times but didn’t install it. After digging into some of the customizations, I finally clicked apply. Overall, it’s a clean theme and I like how the sidebar looks. The mobile responsive view is espectially nice.

The top menu has needed some love for a while. This update cleans it up, and puts the focus on Fake Art School. I’ve also added an Art drop-down that has links to posts tagged Pen & Ink and Urban Sketching. It’s also where I’ll be linking pages that collect my sketchbook scans.

I also exprimented with the WordPress portfolio feature as a place to put my sketchbooks, but I found it cumbersome. Instead I went with the tried-and-true static page. Overall it’s simpler, and will export cleanly for backup purposes. The URL is also shorter as it doesn’t include “/portfolio/.”

One new addition to the sidebar is the Upcoming Events block. I thought it’d be fun to publicize some things I’ll be doing.

Along the way, I also manged to update my Colophon, Art Supplies, and About Me pages. They still need a few tweaks, but overall it's good to have them updated.